Avatar for Frances Keays Smith

Frances Keays Smith
East Devon District

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5 stars

Amazing...not enough stars!!


I left a review regarding our eldest daughters experience of being with Frances and since that review, we have gone on to have two more little girls who have also attended the setting. We are so pleased with ow comfortable all our girls have been with Frances and more recently, Isabella our eldest, has been diagnosed with Autism. The reports that Frances compiles for each child have played a key part in obtaining that diagnosis and we have all worked well to ensure that life for Isabella is made as easy as possible given her sensory issues. Our girls adore Frances and seeing how confident they all are have made life so much easier for me and my husband who is also a Royal Marine. Sadly (but also good for us!!) we are relocating back to Suffolk so our time with Frances will be coming to an end and we can only wish that we could take Frances with us!! Me and the girls will miss her very much :(