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Frances Keays Smith
East Devon District

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5 stars



We first contacted Frances through recommendations of friends whilst looking for suitable childminders as I was due back to work from maternity. When we first met Frances she was very friendly, we brought our son to meet her at her house where she invited us in and got lots of toys our for Felix to keep him entertained. She was very informative about what she does and also showed us plenty of examples of previous children's development folders. We were very impressed with her organisation and clear interest of each of the child's growth and personal development.

Felix started childcare with Frances when he was just 9 months old in July 2013. He is now 29 months old and has really developed into a fantastic little man; we can thank Frances for many of his milestones such as speech which she has helped by encouraging him through play and interaction with other children, songs and games. Frances even made sure that all the children made something for their mummies on mother's day. Felix was very proud to give me his special gift.

We are also pleased that Frances takes all the children out and about as much as possible to enjoy the fresh air as well as trips to places such as Bicton Park, Sams Funhouse and Budleigh beach which we know our boy loves!

All the children get on really well in Frances care and we find Felix is always eager to get to Frances house as soon as the weekend is over!

Frances keeps a journal for each day Felix attends which lets us know what and how he has eaten, if he's been tired or had naps, how he's been with his toilet training and also generally his mood and what he has got up to in the day which provides a great read at the end of the day, to really feel like you know what your little ones been up to.

Overall we cannot fault Frances; she is informative, organised and committed and provides all reassurance that all parents need when leaving their children in the care of others, Thank you for everything you have done!

Felix's Mum and Dad x