Fantastic, trustworthy and hard working nanny
Andrea has worked with our family for over 3 years from when my son was 2 months old. During this time, she made a massive impact on our family and provided loving and supportive care to my son. Her main role was sole charge nanny as both of us worked long hours in the city. Andrea helped throughout the entire developmental process, including getting our son on a schedule for naps and feeds, entertaining him, weaning him, reading to him, taking him to play groups, and was a tremendous part of our son's development. She cooked healthy and nutritious meals and always looked for more ideas in various children's cookbooks and developmental activity books. She helped potty train him and helped grow his confidence in various activities. She did nap times, bath time, read books, did children's laundry, kept the kitchen and play areas tidy and was an enormous help on various trips and holidays. As my son is going to nursery school full time, we are very sad to have her move on but she will always be a part of our family.