Jessica's Reviews


Below are the reviews that Jessica has written.

Do not recommend this childminder. My son was with this childminder for months, I picked him up after one of his sessions, was told he had been a bit upset at one point in the day and everything else was fine he’d had a great day then to wake up the following morning to a message saying that we needed to find a new setting for him. Apparently he was having a ‘bad impact’ on everyone else’s day because of his emotions.

Firstly for a one year old to be scrutinised for having emotions is ludicrous to me, not even mentioning the unprofessionalism of sending a text message instead of having an honest conversation with me when I picked him up the previous day. When I asked the child minder (Chloe) about this she then went on to blame that he had been off because he was ill (been in the hospital with his breathing).

I honestly am appalled, I trusted her with my son and feel like he wasn’t cared about at all. The reason I chose a childminder was because I wanted my son to have a close bond and trust with who was caring for him, I certainly feel like he did not get that. I was made to feel as though he was an inconvenience to her.

I’ve debated whether to post this for a while but after speaking to numerous others (including childcare providers / other childminders) I thought it was necessary.

Trusting someone with your child is a huge thing and I would hate for someone to have this same experience.

  • 1 stars Overall
  • 1 stars Setting
  • 4 stars Cleanliness
  • 4 stars Food
  • 1 stars Communication

by Avatar for Jessica Jessica about Avatar for Chloe Chloe on 24/08/2024

Response by Avatar for Chloe Chloe on 24/08/2024:

I understand your frustration but i am disheartened to read this review after two months. I don’t feel it is a true reflection of the situation nor did I use the words quoted. I have re-read our correspondence and I am happy to provide you with a copy if you no longer have it.

My business is very personal to me; it’s in my home, includes my own children and family and I pour myself into making sure the children in my care have the best experience possible. I am confident that the other families and professionals who I work with will agree.

It is of the highest importance to me that children feel secure and, as I am one adult working with a small group of children, it is essential that I am able to meet all of their needs. If I feel that a child would benefit from a larger setting with more adults then I will suggest this. I always prioritise the needs of the child.

I would also like to highlight that there were no issues raised by yourself whilst your child was in my care.

My welcome pack (sent via email) includes a complaints procedure should you wish to follow it.