Excellent Childcare with Debs!
Our youngest has been with Debs for three days a week since she was about 7 months (she's now 2 1/2); she is tremendously settled, happy and fulfilled with Debs' setting and always looks forward to going to "Debs-ses" with a smile and a jump.
We, the grown ups, are also really happy with Debs' childcare and with her flexibility. She pays close attention to our daughter's well-being and safety and to her educational and developmental needs. She clearly has a great range of experience at Deb's - a most valuable extension to the learning environment that we aim to provide for her at home. Indeed, I'm sure our daughter regards Debs as an extension to, and an integral part of, the family. We also have really appreciated the excellent documentation of her learning and development - this has been rigorous, careful and informative.
We hugely appreciate the effort Debs goes to to give her a range of experience including trips to soft play, play parks, Dolby Forest, etc. and she really benefits form these trips and from the social environment Debs provides for her - she regularly interacts with other children of a range of ages and she is developing a strong social confidence.