Practically perfect in every way
Laura (and Marta) are absolutely perfect. My daughter (now 2) has been at Marlins Munckins for 10 months and simply adores it. I'm keen on educational play and in sending her to childcare I worried that she'd be wandering around a nursery playing by herself and feeling sad. We initially tried nursery and my worst fears were confirmed as that's exactly what she was doing. She was miserable and changed in just 3 weeks from a happy confident child to being tearful and clingy. Thank heavens I found Laura and signed our daughter up immediately. She obviously knew I was an overprotective first time mum and without even mentioning it she eased us in by sending pictures of her happily playing, letting us know she was napping and eating well and just generally making the settling in period exactly what we needed. Since her first day there she has been so happy, she can't wait to go there in the mornings and is usually the one bringing her shoes in to me, asking to go! She seems to learn something new every day, her language is ridiculously good for a child her age, as is Laura's own son's and it's certainly no coincidence as Laura makes learning so fun for them that they don't even realise they're doing it. Within a week of starting there my daughter no longer wanted to be fed and was using utensils. 10 months at Laura's at the age of just turned 2, she can sing full songs, count to 12, sing the alphabet song and the other day told me "that's not a flamingo mummy! That's a parrot".
To summarise I can't recommend Marlins Munchkins highly enough!