Big School
My little one is growing up fast and all of you parents do realise that and only one statement from all "I miss those days". My little boy is currently in his "reception" year now, and I do attribute his behaviour and work ethics (albeit at their age) all to Safina. I am hot here to give glowing references, will leave that to you parents, just how my boy turned up & for you to make your mind.
Every house or tree needs that support on which the whole foundation is laid to sustain the whole pressure the universe, weather etc will bombard them with, similarly, Safina did provide that foundation/step for my boy which I can proudly say, as parents, we are enjoying this next phase of his life. We have had great reviews from his teachers, whether in his reading or writing. He is even paired to a higher class group for his reading. We helped as parents, and will always do, but as first time parents, we had the guidance to nurture him into a good boy. The other day, went to pick him up, couldn't even see him, and when asked, he said "the teacher hasn't called my name, that why he was still sitting, bringing back memories from his childminding days. He even helped his friends with their bags and jackets when leaving. Might be nothing to many, but the essence lies in the small little gestures & behaviours, and all to a good foundation. He has his moments sometimes like every kid, and I also could go one with plenty more good examples
PS - I even get told off now if I don't say "excuse me" when I sneeze.
Thank you very much Safina
Wishing you all the best