The best childcare in croydon
Something Special Home Based Childcare
It is not easy to find the words to describe Aga's little nursery. It is not a place where I leave my son worrying like most parents ,it is a second home .Aga is an auntie with lots of kids ...
It is a home filled with children who are happy to go there everyday and have lots of fun.
I am a demanding person myself and was looking for a long time until I found Aga's place and it was not easy to find something as good .
Now I feel happy leaving my son with Aga knowing that he is happy too.Alan feels like in his own home and has also opportunities to play with other children.
Aga apart from having lots of childcare qualifications and experience is first and foremost a warm and friendly person not only towards the children but parents too.
In one short sentence Something Special Childcare is an amazing little family like childcare setting...a home.
Mum's of three year old son