Really is a home to home experience!
My daughter has been going to Jophi for nearly 2 years now and we wouldn't think of going any where else.
Since going to Jophi's, my daughter's speech has come on so much, she's coming out with new words all the time. Always got a new song to sing to us and a story to tell!
Jophi makes my daughter feel so welcome in her home and is so helpful and kind to her, I've never once worried about leaving my daughter for the day because I know she will be looked after so well.
Although my daughter will be going to school this year, I look forward to my son going to Jophi and to watch him learn as much as my daughter has.
Jophi has so many different things for the children to do, both inside and out. My daughter will come home with pictures and drawings that she has done throughout the day, and stories of making houses for the insects and recycling!
My daughters favourite thing to do at Jophi's house is show and tell. Each week my daughter will ask if its time for show and tell, finding something of hers to take for that week - helping her learn the alphabet.
I cannot recommend Jophi enough to anyone who asks about where my daughter goes, she ready is fantastic!!