My daughter is 18 months old and has been attending Mini Bugs since September 2012. I was very aprehensive as a new parent to leave my daughter in an environment and with people she did not know, However I knew it was important to get her interacting with other children at a young age. After researching other childcare facilities in my area I felt Mini Bugs would be the best choice for my daughter and also myself as a nervouse parent. After our first meeting with Faye my worries and fears diminished, she assured me I could have as many settling in sessions both I and my daughter needed which was great as after the first two sessions my daughter forgot I was there and quickly joined in the activities with the other children and I realised she did not need me there anymore she was going to be fine!
Over the short period my daughter has been attending Mini Bugz I have seen a masive improvement in her social skils with other children, her speech has come on leaps and bounds I can no longer count how many words she knows. Everytime I go to collect her Faye or Jo are always ready to fill me in on the days activites and the the new things my daughter has learned.
I cannot reccomend Mini Bugs highly enough my daughter has developed massivly since attending and I know she is in a safe and enjoyable enviroment, both the staff and other children there are great and my daughter loves it!