Health Visitor Comments
Charlie recently had his 24-30 month review with the Health Visitors, in preparation Amanda gave me his learning journal along with his activity books and all the development records that she keeps to assist the Health Visitor in their review.
To say the Health visitor was blown away would be an understatement :) we had the usual chat and I handed over his learning journal and her response was 'Wow! this is great, what a fantastic record of his development and they do so much' She had never seen such a concise and helpful record :)
Needless to say they were more than happy with Charlie's development and definitely impressed with Amanda & Peter and all the activities and time and effort they put in to ensure Charlie has a great time and meets his development milestones.
Thank you once again, I've always known you were amazing but it was lovely to hear a Health Visitor appreciate your work also.
Response from Amanda Childminding
Thank you for the review Donna. I am glad that his daily diary and learning journal provided the help you needed for Charlie's review.