Avatar for Suzy_Baby Expert

Suzy_Baby Expert
Maternity Nurse

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5 stars

Suzy transformed our lives!!


If you are reading this review looking for a sleep consultant, I am sure you are as desperate as I was when I looked at Suzy's other reviews on this website 6 weeks ago. Back then we had an 8 month year old daughter who woke every 20-90 minutes throughout the night, didn't eat well, was constantly falling on the 'percentile' weight chart and was extremely over-tired. (and a more than a tad manic!) My partner was seriously depressed and completely exhausted and I had been off work for the best part of 6 months to help out. We weren't living, we were surviving...and doing a pretty poor job of that. Our relationship was being tested and I hated people asking how my daughter was doing because I didn't want to lie to them but at the same time it broke my heart to tell them that things weren't great.
No one seemed to understand. BUT...and there is a big BUT...we made the very difficult decision to ask for help. Lucky for us, the person we asked was Suzy Lane as it was critical that we found the right person. Suzy stayed with us for 7 days as we had multiple related issues that we needed to tackle at the same time. What I really like about her approach is that is completely tailored to each family...she watches and assesses personalities (baby and parents) before recommending a plan. This makes a lot of sense to me and it was really important to us, especially considering how fragile my partner was when Suzy arrived. Results wise, our daughter first slept through the night on day 5 of Suzy's stay. Since Suzy left, we have had to go into my daughter's room on 3 nights out of 30+...her sleep is totally solid...she is eating more in 1 meal now than she used to eat in 3 days...she is piling on weight...she is much calmer, sharper and happier. My partner is 'herself' again as she is now getting 8 hrs sleep a night at least. It is not an over-statement to say that in my adult life, no person I have met has affected as much positive change in such a short space of time as Suzy. In one week she literally 'gave our lives back to us' and set up my daughter to thrive by installing proven sleeping and feeding routine which we have consistently stuck to. I didn't know Suzy before we hired her and didn't have a personal recommendation so I naturally saw hiring her as a bit of a risk...however that risk massively paid off for us as I am sure if will for you if you ask Suzy to come and help you!

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 3 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication