HI, I'm a fulltime: teaching Assistant/ Nursery Nurse ! and I met this wonderful lady within my job scenario, I noticed how wonderful, caring, reassuring and dedicated she was!!! to the children she cared for! x I trusted her all the way and Lottie was delighted to get a place ! If I'd I met this lady years ago I would of followed my carer earlier! x I know how hard it is to pass your children on to the hand's of another x no one better than mum I say, but if I'd of met this wonderful, caring, fun lovely woman 10 years ago, I would of followed my carer earlier! She's such a caring friendly person!! and I spent so many years out of employment x and found an amazing lady x one to trust, one that follows the whole structure of education, safeguarding, motherhood, care, education and manners! bless her! x forget the rest ! As an employee of Nott's County Council, I know what is expected in childcare and this wonderful lady ! Is the one for me!! One wonderful person! I'm in education, a mother of 3 and I know the elements and standards of great practice, I don't think personally you could find a better child minder with in the area ! x She's been an asset to me! If I was looking for a child-minder I'd find it hard, but remember ! I'm a teaching assistant from NCC and this lady makes my job possible! I I'm also in a childcare environment and she's tops the rest ! hope that helps in your childcare ! I'd pick her above the rest!!!
Response from Jani HF
Thank you ☺️