Innovative, caring and fun
Maria is well worth sitting on a waiting list for, along with her beautiful mother and daughter team.
The home environment is a well-equipped chaos of fun, learning and love.... but most of the time the kids are out and about anyway, in the park, woods, local care home or at a day trip to an educational venue such as a dentist, optician or even the AIRPORT (all arranged by this fantastic team). You get great pictorial updates throughout the day which is lovely to see and share as the children run around like a happy pack. My 2YO daughter has a group of friends that greet her at the door and take her in by the hand.... my heart melts every time. As far as learning goes, my daughter has learnt all her basic colours, can count to 15 and has more words in her vocabulary than most teenagers... so Maria must be doing something right :)
All food is prepared by Maria... some of the ingredients are picked by the kids in her allotment. It's fresh. It's healthy. The kids tend to eat a lot better there than at home!
In short, I could not recommend Maria enough.