Not professional Carer
Krissy was pleasant to deal with, however in my opinion she is not a professional carer, she let's personal feeling getting in the way of caring for other people's children.
There was an incident between my son and her son at school, which we discussed and thought everything was resolved, but out of the blue I was the only parent to have their sons care terminated.
Krissy's actions have emotionally traumatised my 7yr old son. Krissy's reasons were misleading.
Please don't be fooled by this lady's smile.
Response from Krissy
Dear Garcia1D
I can assure you this decision was in no way personal or in anyway a reflection on my working relationship with you or your son. Due to confidentiality laws I am unable to provide you with the details of anyone else affected by changes I am making within my setting however you can rest assured it was a difficult decision to make and one I didn't take lightly.
I’m saddened that you have taken the notice I gave you this morning as a personal attack on your son, in no way was that my intention. The incident you mention in your review happened 5 months ago and as you rightly state was handled swiftly and in no way has or would influence my decision in this case.
I sincerely wish you would have stayed to talk more or come and spoken to me so we could of discussed this properly, rather than leaving abruptly and leaving this review. I have built an excellent reputation for myself over the last 7 years of hard work, dedication and at the fore front of everything I do, are the best interests of the children in my care. Please also note this is the first time I’ve ever had cause to give any of my parents notice and whilst I appreciate this may have come as a shock, please be assured I did so after careful consideration and in accordance with all regulatory and contractual requirements. I’m disappointed by your comments but wish you and your family the best going forward for the future.