Avatar for Brenda the nanny

Brenda the nanny
Maternity Nurse

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5 stars

Sleep and structure in a helpful way!


Brenda came to help us in the first few days after we came back from hospital and continued her fantastic support until our son was happily sleeping through the nights (and she still checks in now to see how we are doing). I was impressed with how accommodating she was to our family needs and my preferences (e.g. she knew that I really wanted to breastfeed and she built our plan around this). We found her approach very clear and well adapted to our son’s age and stage. Thanks to Brenda’s help and structure, we’ve been able to navigate the inevitable ups and downs that come with being first-time parents and having a newborn. Investing in this way in our son’s sleep and daytime routine, and in helping us parent with greater confidence is already paying off in so many ways. Thank you!

Response from Brenda the nanny

Much appreciated!