Outstanding Childminder
There are 2 circle of of interest we considered were very important for our baby's best carer.
1- Baby's circle of influence - Loving, reliability, professionalism, good set up facilities, efficient teaching skills, passion at looking after kids' development, healthy feeding habits, and happiness.
2 - Parents' Circle of influence: Flexibility in line with our jobs, great communication skills, guidance in our child's best habits, feeding techniques, Spanish speaking and friendliness.
Deglys has taken care of Lucia for about 2 years (1 till 3 years old). Lucia has demonstrated every day at home all the learnings at the minder, in a very good disciplined manners; ie. removing her shows at the entrance, listening when talking to her, eating property and using the cutlery accordingly, kindness, following instruction and great manners when doing crafting or colouring activities.
Lucia is growing in 3 Languages and Deglys is supporting us with English and Spanish very much.
Lucia is always excited to go to Deglys' minder, she feels like at home -if not happier-, and we consider Deglys as an aunty for Lucia and a relative to us :).
We can not thank you enough for all help and guidance you have given us in raising Lucia so well an happy to the child she is now.
Deglys cooks fresh food every day for lunch and dinners for kids and kids love it. Great variety of healthy food.
Thank you for sending all the pictures and videos of Lucia every day, we now have a whole book printed with all those pics :)
I will always recommend Deglys' childminder to any parent that wishes her/his kid to be happy and an a great dynamic environment that plot a great scenario for kids to develop their best possible skills at this early age.
With best regards,