Experienced, professional childminder? Really?
I placed my two children with this childminder for after school care having just moved to a new area. Each day my children were collected from the childminder by either my husband or myself and no issues or concerns of any kind were reported to either of us.
You can imagine my shock when I received a text terminating my contract after just 7 days. And yes - that was a text - even though my husband had collected the children from this person just 1.5 hours before!
The reason given for termination was 'they do not fit into my setting'. When pressed for an explanation as to why, I was advised they had bounced on a sofa, had to be asked to speak nicely to other children etc.
Both of my children have additional needs which were clearly explained to this childminder before she began collecting my children from school. I would have expected a professional childminder, who states she has special needs experience, to be able to manage minor issues such as these - if indeed they did take place - or to raise the matter with either myself or my husband so it could easily be resolved. Simply terminating an agreement in this manner was wholly unprofessional and quite frankly, I could not recommend this person.
Response from DAWNB123
I DO NOT take kindly saying it was because of SEN that I terminated the contract, it was due to comments made to other children and my settings atmosphere completely changed when your children came for such a short period of time. As you are aware I have to consider all the children and my own children as well. Even after when they left your children made nasty comments to mine!!!!