Brocklewood Primary and Nursery School
Fircroft Avenue, Bilborough, Nottingham, NG8 3AL
Brocklewood Primary and Nursery School is an academy sponsor led school in Nottingham. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 553 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-11.
About Us
Brocklewood Primary School is situated on the outskirts of the City. We currently have 554 children on roll. The proportion of children that have free school meals is 3 times the national average. The proportion of pupils on the SEN register is broadly in line with the national average. The school works hard to fully support all the pupils, providing an on-site counselling service, an attendance officer, three Safeguarding Officers and a Parent Support Worker. We also have a range of provision to meet the needs of our most vulnerable pupils including additional needs classes and Forest School provision.
The houses on the Estate are quite large and we often have 6 or more children from the same family coming through our school. The Estate is a 15 minute walk from the school and the housing around the school is not our catchment. We try very hard to be at the centre of the community for our families but this can be challenging when the school is not geographically at the heart of the community.
The school opened in September 2012, following the amalgamation of the previous Infant & Junior Schools, in January 2015 we opened as an Academy as part of the Transform Trust. We share a Space for Sports and Arts building with Jubilee Primary School located at the front of our school which allows us access to high quality drama, art and sports facilities. We employ 2 specialist sports coaches, have an artist in residence and pupils in Year 4 learn to play the guitar or flute.
Parental involvement in school is valued highly and we have built up very strong relationships with some parents. We have parents who help regularly in school with a variety of activities, including swimming, reading, maths, art and trips.
Our Childcare Provision
The school has close links with an After School Club called Jigsaw, they will collect pupils from the school at the end of the day. We currently have a 60 place Breakfast Club which is run by 4 members of staff each morning. Numerous after school clubs take place on a daily basis but there are limited places to these clubs and therefore this is not a guaranteed facility.
Pick ups and Drop offs
Hello, my name is Alice and I am a professional, caring and enthusiastic OFSTED registered childminder providing flexible, affordable, high quality home-based childcare. I am a…
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