Castlecroft Primary School

Windmill Crescent, Castlecroft, Wolverhampton, WV3 8HS

Castlecroft Primary School is a community school school in Wolverhampton. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 267 pupils and allows entry for children aged 3-11.

About Us

We are a one-form entry Primary School with a Nursery Class.

'Enjoy and achieve' is at the heart of our aims for our children. From their first days in our Nursery to the day they leave us for Secondary Education, we aim to ensure that their Primary years are enjoyable, stimulating and successful and are a firm foundation for their lifelong learning.

We, at Castlecroft, are concerned with the education of the whole child. We aim, above all, for each child to develop fully to his or her potential by promoting an ethos of inclusion and providing equality of opportunity throughout the curriculum. Our aim is to provide skills and knowledge for the children to understand the world around them and give them the life skills to prepare them for adult life. We aim to develop young people who are confident, independent learners, who have high self esteem, high aspirations and who have experienced success and enjoyment in school. We aim to support each child to have positive attitudes about themselves, and to become socially aware, caring members of our society.

Breadth of experience and opportunity is key to our educational provision here at Castlecroft. We support personalized learning in which children are given a range of opportunities to develop their strengths and talents and realize their potential. We aim to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of the pupils at the school and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life and fully equip them for life in the 21st Century.

Through our breadth of opportunity, we aim to achieve, for all our children, the key outcomes of the Every Child Matters Government vision:
Be healthy
Stay safe
Enjoy and achieve
Make a positive contribution
Achieve economic well-being

To help fulfil these aims, the governors and school have provided significant extra classroom support to help meet the needs of the integrated pupils and also to release all teachers in order that they can monitor and manage their curriculum areas, support colleagues and improve standards.

Our Childcare Provision

We have a Nursery class which runs morning and afternoon sessions, catering for up to 25 children in each session.

The times of the morning session are from 8.45am until 11.45am; the times of the afternoon session are from 12.25pm until 3.325pm.

Pick ups and Drop offs


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