Fen Drayton Primary School

Cootes Lane, Fen Drayton, Cambridge, CB24 4SL

Fen Drayton Primary School is a community school school in Cambridge. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 92 pupils and allows entry for children aged 4-11.

About Us

Fen Drayton Primary School is a small rural primary school located between Fenstanton and Swavesey within Cambridgeshire. Its feeder secondary school is Swavesey Village College.
We currently have 4 classes:
- Reception and Year 1 (Maple Class)
- Year 2 and 3 (Ash Class)
- Years 4 and 5 (Willow Class)
- Year 6 (Oak Class)
For further information our website is: www.fendraytonprimary.co.uk

Our Childcare Provision

We do not have any before or after school provision.
There is a registered childminder within the village of Fen Drayton and Swavesey Primary School offers afterschool provision for which we can utilise if they have spaces.

Pick ups and Drop offs

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Childminder in Fen Drayton

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hello I’m Clare :-) I run Park Lane Childcare and specialise in wrap-around care for Fen Drayton School, ages 4-11, providing a fun, warm and homely environment in my open plan,…


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