Childminders who provide 3 and 4 year old Funded Childcare Entitlement in Norwich

We have 20 Childminders who provide 3 and 4 year old Funded Childcare Entitlement in Norwich listed in our online childminding directory.

Please read our Safety Centre for advice on how to stay safe and always check childcare provider documents.

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Claire A
Claire A
5 stars 15
Childminder in Sprowston, Norwich

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi! I'm an Ofsted-registered childminder, rated "outstanding" by Ofsted in my last inspection, living with my husband in a large house in Sprowston. I love my job and really enj…

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no reviews
Childminder in Norwich

Usually responds within 2 hours

I am Childminder in Hellesdon registered with Rutland Childminding Agency. I have a dedicated Playroom, conservatory and an enclosed outside garden. I attend local Toddler groups…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
no reviews
Childminder in Norwich

I live in a semi-detatched house, in Brundall, with my 4 children, 15, 13 year old twins and my 2 year old. We have 7 cats and a bearded dragon. I can do drop off and pick ups fro…

Hannah F
Hannah F
no reviews
Childminder in Norwich

Usually responds within 4 hours

Thank you for looking at my profile, I aim to provide a safe and secure homely environment for your child/children. I will value and respect each and every child as an individual.…

Angela R
Angela R
no reviews
Childminder in Norwich

Usually responds within 12 hours

My name is Angela. I am married and have two children aged 21 and 15. I provide a warm, safe and secure setting to allow children to flourish and reach their full potential. I a…

no reviews
Childminder in Norwich

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Firstly........ I am a Mum and a Nanna. I understand what it is like to leave a child with someone who at first, is a stranger. My aim is to make families feel "at home" in my se…

5 stars 4
Childminder in Norwich

Usually responds within 12 hours

Kerry's Childcare has been rated as an 'outstanding' setting by Ofsted following an inspection on the 29th April 2019. Hi, my name is Kerry. I am an Ofsted registered childmind…

5 stars 7
Childminder in Norwich

We provide childcare for children 24 months+ Apple Tree Childminding was graded as an Outstanding in all aspects by Ofsted in 2012, 2016 and 2022! We provide childcare in a war…

no reviews
Childminder in Norwich

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Hello, I am an Ofsted registered childminder based in Spixworth. I have 3 children of my own who are 11, 9 & 7. I offer a spacious home from home setting with large garden. I offe…

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5 stars 2
Childminder in Norwich

My name is Louise and I have been an OFSTED registered childminder since October 2006. My childcare setting is called The Treasure Box and I am currently providing education and…

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