Nannies who offer Tax-Free Childcare in Harrogate

We have 3 Nannies who offer Tax-Free Childcare in Harrogate listed in our online nanny directory.

Please read our Safety Centre for advice on how to stay safe and always check childcare provider documents.

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5 stars 15
Nanny in Harrogate

Usually responds within 2 days

Hello My name is Julie, I am a very kind and caring OFSTED Registered Nanny and I enjoy helping people. Advanced DBS Checked, Advanced Child Protection Certificate, extensive OFST…

no reviews
Nanny in Harrogate

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I Charge between £11.50 to £15 an hour and the reason for this price is because its an all inclusive price, so this means that all activties and classes, food, tickets and trave…

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