Meant to be
I was so lucky to find Julia after moving to Cross Roads and finally getting my daughter a place at Lees School. Even though my daughter struggles to settle, and I was anxious that she wouldn’t be happy I needn’t have worried, 10 minutes into being with Julia in our settling meeting, she was babbling away to her and asking lots of questions which made my mind up I’d found the one, and I wasn’t wrong. She was so happy, getting to play in the park after school and walk home, most days I had to drag her away at home time as she was enjoying playing games, or tidying up. Not only this Julia was a fantastic support when we were stranded in snow, stepping in with extra care and leaving me stress free knowing she was in good hands until I could get there. Whilst with Julia my little girl grew in confidence and we were so sad the time has come where she had to leave.
Response from JuliasHouse
Thank you so much 🥰