adavison's Reviews


Below are the reviews that adavison has written.

I actually met Yvonne on a local park a few years before Emily actually started going to her. She was on the park with 4 other children and I thought they were all hers the way she was with them.
We got chatting as I asked how she does it with 4 children and that’s when I discovered she was a childminder.
She also had a lovely calm and chilled way about her which I loved.
I asked her to put me on her waitlist and waited quite some time before Emily started her care with Yvonne.
Emily has thrived with Yvonne and is SO happy there.
She’s regularly tells Yvonne she loves her Haha so she must be very happy.
Yvonne sends us photos daily to show us what Emily is up to.
I couldn’t ask for a better childcare provider and I am hoping to get a space for Emily’s brother in the next few years as I could never imagine him going anywhere else!
So happy to have found Yvonne. She is the BEST!

  • 5 stars Overall
  • 5 stars Setting
  • 5 stars Cleanliness
  • 5 stars Food
  • 5 stars Communication

by Avatar for adavison adavison about Avatar for Yvonne sarah Jones Yvonne sarah Jones on 02/08/2024

Response by Avatar for Yvonne sarah Jones Yvonne sarah Jones on 02/08/2024:

Aww thank you 🥰
I remember that day on the park like yesterday!
I'm lucky to have such a lovely family to work with xx