Avatar for MTeacher


Nanny in High Wycombe

Female Member since Nov 2024 Last Updated Mar 2025 Last Login 28 Mar 2025

My Summary

Part Time Nanny
Full Time Nanny
Live Out Nanny
Full Driving Licence
Ofsted Registered
DBS Check
First Aid Training
Childcare Qualifications
Montessori Trained

About Me

I'm a Montessori Trained Nanny who is very good at support the holistic education of 6mth-10yr old's.

My Experience

Poppys Beaconsfield:
27th February 23 – 15th October 2024


• NB Please note that from the end of Feb 23 to 7th August 23 I was employed ongoing as a Temp. where I mainly worked in The Pre-School room.
• Working as a Nursery Practitioner Level 4 in one of the four classrooms, (NB The Big Explorers Room).
• Be willing to cover in any other classroom when needed.
• Write regular observations on Key children.
• Complete and carryout weekly planning based on observations of our key children’s abilities and interests – unless their focus was otherwise engaged.
• To ensure the children were outside in the fresh air with a variety of outdoor activities. For example, bikes, footballs, obstacle courses, a variety of outdoor games such as, “What’s the Time Mr Wolf?” Plus, that they had regular time to play in the outdoor sandpit and mud kitchen.
• To maintain regular, positive communication with the children’s parents and contribute to writing on the tablets under each child’s individual profile updates on what they had been doing during the day and how much they had eaten etc.
• Twice a year to write a full report on our key children’s progress. This covered Personal, Social and Emotional, Communication and Language and Physical Development for children under three and all seven areas for children three years and over.
• To complete any online courses required.

• The “Japanese Pufferfish Activity” I did with the children alongside the Acting Head Teacher of Pre-School - it was talked about by the children who did it up until they left – for one that was September this year.
• Plus I “built” the Bug Hotel and constructed a wormery with the children.
• I learnt more about the EYFS approach to education.
• I was flexible and willing to cover in any classroom.

Variety of Work Supporting Families and Nurseries From October 2020 – February 2023:

Since 1st October 2020 I have been fully focused upon making a job of finding a job, plus doing temp-work. I have also completed various personal development courses that will complement and enhance my skill level. No new permanent work was available during Lockdown II. Throughout this time, I supported my family during my Mum’s final months and passing on 4th December 2020. During Lockdown III there was a huge demand in parents wanting help with home-schooling. Being Montessori trained this is a specialist area for me, so I have been assisting different families who need help. I have been regularly requested back by families who needed ongoing support.
From around April/ May 2021 when full-time temp work became available again as nurseries were “fully back in action” I have been lucky enough to have full time temporary employment whilst looking for full-time permanent employment and also giving my family extra emotional support. The temp-work is mainly in Nurseries and two nurseries always requested me back – One got so competitive about requesting me back that they booked me ongoing! This worked for me so I have been working their full time whilst looking for permanent employment – I wanted to find a position that would “light me up.” When I started doing regular temp-work at Poppies in Beaconsfield it felt like it had all the qualities I realised I was looking for.
One thing I have noticed from working in a nursery is that children of all ages and all personality types – girl/boy, shy, outgoing, active etc. – all have taken a liking to me as a Teacher, so it’s good to know that all types of personalities feel comfortable with me. Working in a nursery setting you are continuously provided with the latest up-dates in child-education, so it’s good to know my skills remain up-dated and relevant.

Covid 19 UpDate:

I feel that it’s important to provide a Covid 19 Update to my CV because this is such an unprecedented, historic situation and it is important that any potential new employer is aware how I coped with everything.
I am very thankful to have remined fully employed throughout the first lockdown period. I am also very grateful that in such a potentially intense situation with both parents working from home and myself taking holistic care of the children that everything worked out well. I continued to support both children’s holistic development; and I found my Montessori background to be instrumental in supporting the elder child’s academic learning. We all enjoyed “PE with Joe”; so everyone is still very active.
The Egejuru Family moved to a housing complex so when taking the children out for their “fresh air time” it was very easy to keep social distancing because we remained inside the complex were there were a couple of parks and a wood area with balancing activities; few other residence took advantage of this. Interestingly I found myself acting frequently as a Life Coach for both children; answering their never-ending questions – having a Theology degree I loved this (!) – and ensuring their continued welfare in such a different and intense situation.
Outside of work I have remained physically and mentally active and was keen to do my bit to serve friends/ the community; so, via various video media I have given support lessons, or read stories to friend’s children. I have mainly given maths lessons due to having limited resources at my home and maths is easy to make very visual.
I chose to connect more with nature on my “Fresh-air Walks” and did what I call, iPhonetography – Photography with an iPhone! I have always loved nature and I have a growing passion for conservation and protection of wildlife. Amazingly I have discovered that the more you connect with nature, the more it seems to connect with you, as I have some incredible photos of various birds and insects seemingly posing for me, plus a couple of neighbourhood cats!
Thank-you for taking the time to read my update.

Egejuru Residence: 5th November 18 – 30th September 2020

• Employed as a “Montessori” Nanny with sole responsibility of Mr and Mrs Egejuru’s two children (boy 5.3 and girl 9 months at the start of my employment) on Mon – Fri, from 07:00 – 18:00/ 18:45.
• As in other roles, and in congruence with my Montessori training I provide holistic care/ elementary education and good role-modelling in the children’s home environment.
• I did offer to put colour-coded nouns around the house in a selection of different languages (source Google Translate!); after careful consideration Mrs Egejuru decided that it wouldn’t work with their home decor. – It definitely has to be the choice of each family in my mind.
• I cook freshly prepared meals for the children. Plus do their laundry – which has more specific requirements.
• I take the eldest to any extra-curricular activities and the little one to elementary learning groups. Plus, I take them both on days out during the holidays.
• I keep a communication diary to inform – mainly the mother – of certain necessary information and I also inform her through WhatsApp and verbally.
• I encourage both children to be as independent as possible – folding clothes for the eldest and both are good at tidying.
• I also do the eldest’s “Kumon” with him – NB Kumon is a specific programme outside school for learning Maths and English.
• I feel, as with previous positions, in my own individual growth as a person that I provide good elementary “Life Coach” education in being who I am to the children.
• My reason for leaving this position is because Mr and Mrs Egejuru wanted to send their daughter (2.8 years) to nursery to socialise with children of her age and they couldn’t afford to keep me on too.

• Successfully differentiating between the needs of the two children who have a 4.5 year age difference!
• Helping both children to view and approach life more successfully for themselves – this has been reflected in the eldest’s school report and in the understanding demonstrated by the little one that has been noticed by the parents especially in her vocabulary.

Details of Temporary Positions from 2nd July 18 – 2nd November 18

Since Monday 2nd July 18 I did some temp work including some for my previous employer Meena and Vineed whilst they prepare to move to America – They had to delay moving until 23rd August 18. Plus I’ve also had a two-week temporary position and various other regular temp-work with families and in nurseries. I continued to do as many temporary positions as possible until I found my permanent role. Plus, I also painted and spring cleaned my new home in preparation to move in.

Meena and Vineed Residence: 28th November 16 – 30th June 18


• I was employed as a “Montessori Teacher” Nanny with sole responsibility of mainly the youngest child aged 8 months exactly at the start of my employment. NB She does have an older sister who was 8 years, 9 months years at the start of my employment; I mainly worked with her in school holidays and sometimes in the evening. Please note that I was employed to solely teach and care for the youngest child as her mother preferred to do the cooking and laundry duties herself. My hours were, Mon – Fri, 08:30 – 16:30 with one day a week (usually Monday) until 18:00.
• The reason I had to leave this position at the beginning of July 18 was because the father has accepted a position that requires them to move to America.
• Holistic care and education and thoughtful role-modelling are standard to the way I work.
• As always I did English and French colour-coded nouns; I emailed them to the mother as she wanted to add-in the Indian dialects they speak at home.
• I was given a lot of “freedom” and responsibility to choose educational toys/books and organise the child’s play-area.
• I created her routine based around her individual holistic needs and “researched” baby/toddler activities and took her to the ones most appropriate for her that she enjoys the most.
• I also did a variety of different activities with her at home that nurtured her holistic education/development. Plus, I also kept a diary of things she does/ achieves.
• Being a Teacher, role-model and elementary “Life Coach” to a child so young was a new and exciting experience for me. It was amazing to experience just how much they learn from you – especially when you know how to teach them! People regularly commented to me on how advanced she is for her age.
• During the school holidays I had to ensure that I met the needs of both girls who are 8 years and 1 month apart in age! – This was both challenging and rewarding! NB I can expand on anything during an interview!

Details of Temporary Positions from Jan 16 – Nov 16

Since early January I worked part-time at a friend’s Golf-Club to earn some money whist looking for work with children. With interviews mounting I decided to job-hunt full-time and my last day at the Golf-Club was 3rd April 16. I did some temporary work at local nurseries since leaving the Golf Club including a regular, part-time position for half a term (6th June-15th July 16) at Oakwood Nursery in Beaconsfield to assist staff as it was closing down. I also just completed (3rd Oct - 4th Nov 16) a month’s temporary position in Jordans as a Montessori Nanny to assist a family whilst they looked for a Housekeeper Nanny for their school aged children. I did as much temporary work as possible, (NB Nanny, Nursery and babysitting) to earn money whilst looking for a permanent nanny position. I am grateful for the things I have learnt whilst temping as it has enabled me to gain a wide variety of experience in a short space of time.

Fleming Residence: 1st Feb 2013 – 31st Dec 2015


• Employed as a “Montessori” Nanny with sole responsibility of Mr and Mrs Fleming’s two children (boy just turned 4 and girl 18 months at the start of my employment) on Mon – Fri, from 07:30 – 18:30/ 19:00.
• In consistence with my Montessori Training, I provided holistic care/ elementary education and good role-modelling in the children’s home environment.
• As with previous positions with parental consent I placed colour-coded nouns in English and French around the house.
• I encouraged the children to maintain their playroom environment; we regularly dusted and hoovered it, plus their bedrooms. The children became very good at tidying and putting things back where they belonged.
• I have a set of Montessori Sandpaper Letter and Numbers (SPL’s/ SPN’s) that I made and I regularly used them with the children, (especially the little girl) alongside other activities. As a result their maths and language skills are within the upper quartile.
• I also have made a set of matching colour cards that I used with the little girl; she learnt her colours easily.
• I keep daily records of their general well-being (what they eat etc.) and progress.
• I also provided all three meals of the day, freshly prepared to ensure that they have a health, balanced diet.
• Occasionally I do bath time; Mrs Fleming does prefer to bath the children if she’s home in time.
• I managed the home, doing typical laundry duties and maintaining order of the family environment whilst the parents are at work (to keep the day going smoothly I have to be very organised).
• During school holidays I took the children out on play-dates and outings. Plus there were a variety of activities we did at home both indoors (puzzles and games etc.) and outdoors, (nature walk and bike rides etc.). The children were also very good at helping me with various household chores during the holidays so they don’t start to build up. This provided a good variety of different activities for active, growing minds.
• The effects of the additional support I provided for the children reflected in their achievements at school and their behaviour; other adults regularly commented on this to me.
• I’m very happy to expand on anything during an interview.

• Being able to adapt my Montessori training and skills to suit the requirements of a home environment.
• Able to differentiate and further the holistic development of the children according to age, ability and needs.

Brown Residence: 20th Sept 2010 – 30th Jan 2013


• Employed as a “Montessori” Nanny with sole responsibility of Mr and Mrs Brown’s two children (girl just turned 3 and boy 9 months exactly at the start of my employment) on Mon – Wed, from 07:30 – 19:30/ 20:00.
• My duties were similar to the above. The cultural background of the family was Scottish and Caribbean, so I was fortunate enough to learn more about these cultures first-hand.
Since October 2009 I spent my time primarily finding a new full-time position. At the beginning of November 2009, I started doing some part-time admin work for MGR Foamtex Ltd. I also went on a five-week holiday to Moscow throughout March and at the beginning of April 2010 after which I was offered the position with the Browns. Meanwhile I did a few temporary positions, including one with eight-and-a-half-year-old triplets.

Arent Residence: 2nd Jan 09- 2nd Oct 09

• Employed as a “Montessori” Nanny with sole responsibility of Mr and Mrs Arent’s daughter (aged 12 months exactly at the start of my employment) from 08:00 – 18:15/ 18:30.
• My duties were similar to the above. Please note that as one parent was French and the other was German that the colour-coded nouns I put around the house were in English, French and German.
• Also wrote weekly developmental summaries and keep an “account book” of all the expenditure.
• I was fortunate enough to go on a three-day working holiday to Nice and stayed at the family home, (belonging to the maternal Grandparents and other relatives).
• Due to the fact that, for health reasons, my Employers are moving back to France, my position becomes redundant after 2nd October 2009.

As I was employed several months in advance of the position, I spent my time making Montessori materials; Sand-Paper letters (SPL’s), Sand-Paper Number’s (SPN’s) and matching colour cards in preparation to use with Mr and Mrs Arent’s daughter. Throughout December I worked part time with Mrs Arent to in preparation for my full-time employment. Plus, I painted a portrait of my sister and brother-in-law on their Wedding day as a Christmas gift for their first Christmas as a married couple.

Howarth Residence: 30th June 2008- 12th Sept 2008

• Employed as a “Montessori” Nanny with sole responsibility of Mr Howarth’s two children (aged 5.7 & 4 years at the start of my employment) on Monday to Friday, between the hours of 07:00/ 07:15 – 20:00/ 21:00.
• My duties were similar to the above.
• Due to a change in my Employer’s circumstance my position had to be made redundant. The parents of his new girlfriend agreed to take over the childcare.

Bergman Residence: 6th Nov 2006- 27th June 2008

• Employed as a “Montessori” Nanny with sole responsibility of Mr and Mrs Bergman’s three children (aged 4.2, 2.9 & 1.2 years at the start of my employment) on Monday to Friday, between the hours of 08:00/ 08:30 – 18:00/ 18:30.
• My duties were similar to the above. The cultural background of the Bergman residence in addition to being British was also Gujarati Indian; so I was fortunate enough to learn more about this culture first-hand.
• I left this position to take a live-in post to further increase my experience.

My Qualifications

• Bucks Montessori Training Centre.
• Montessori Early Childhood (2.5 – 6 years) Training, (09/2002 – 08/2005).
• Canterbury Christ Church University College.
• BA Honours in Religious Studies with an Art minor, (10/1996 – 06/1999).
• Chesham High Grammar School.
• Achieved two A’ levels in Religious Studies and Art, (09/1994 – 06/1996).
• Holy Cross Convent.
• Achieved nine GCSE’s, eight at grades A – C, (06/1994).

My Availability

Weekly - 4 days a week max.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Before School no no no no no no no
Morning yes yes yes yes no no no
Afternoon yes yes yes yes no no no
After School yes yes yes yes no no no
Evening yes yes yes yes no no no
Overnight no no no no no no no
Last Updated: 20/03/2025

My Fees

  • Nannying from £16.00 per hour (gross)

Discuss - dependent on hours and duties.

My Documents

  • image/svg+xml UK Driving Licence (added 03/11/2024)


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