Nanny in London: Wandsworth (also available for babysitting)
Usually responds within 24 hours
Female Member since Mar 2012 Last Updated Mar 2025 Last Login 03 Mar 2025
My Summary
Reliable Helping Hands
About Me
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am an Ofsted-registered live-out full-time sole-charge nanny and post-natal maternity nurse from London who is looking for a new nanny job ASAP.
I was brought up in a large family (5 of us) so that I know what family ties mean.
I have got experience with newborns, twins, toddlers, preschool children, school-aged children, girls and boys, and teenagers.
I am a non-smoking person who enjoys working with children. I am very reliable, flexible, sociable, helpful, neat & tidy, honest, generous, hard-working, well-organised, punctual, fun-loving, caring, and energetic.
I like cooking, reading, going out, walking, travelling, organising parties and playdates, playing board games/ball games and puzzles, teaching, going to the cinema/theatre/zoo, hiking, and watching TV.
I like challenges and take my job seriously.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
My Experience
5 August 2024 - 27 December 2024: Bliss nursery (Earlsfield)
Role: Nursery Practitioner
Duties: nappy change; circle time; supporting staff and the room leader; reporting to parents and the manager; weekly planning according to EYFS and individual needs; supervising children indoors and outdoors; reporting accidents and incidents; supervising meal times; information sharing with parents and colleagues; supervising nap times, etc.
Leaving: returning to original profession, nannying.
1 August 2023 - 4 July 2024: Rajagopal family (Worcester Park)
Position: Part-time nanny with contract for A (4.5 years) and L (15 months old)
Duties: always lots of play, healthy meal preparation, and encouraging children to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits; organising activities for school half term; attending playgroups with the toddler; school pick-ups for the elder child; light housekeeping such as laundry and bedding; loading and unloading the dishwasher; vacuuming and mopping communal areas; helping with the grocery; changing nappies; administering medication when needed; implementing bath time and bed time routines.
Leaving: The contract came to a deadline.
4 January 2022 - 27 June 2022: Roussos family (New Malden)
Position: Part-time nanny for E (4.5 years) and Ch (2 years)
Duties: school & nursery pick-ups, meal preparation, laundry, playing with the children in the afternoons (arts & crafts, library, painting, cooking together, etc.), bath time, full-time care during school half terms, searching for kids clubs and activities for school half term, visiting the local parks, socialising, and always lots of fun.
Leaving: This position requires a driver.
28 May 2019 - 23 December 2021: Mahendran family (Raynes Park)
Position: Full-time sole charge nanny (4 days/week), later par-time for 2.5 days/week from June 2021 when the child started the nursery
My duties:
Full care of a 5-month-old baby (nappy changing, bottle feeding, disinfecting bottles, weaning, attending baby groups, singing, reading, organising daily routine, development: drinking from cups, holding cutlery, teaching independent feeding, attending GP appointments when necessary, keeping the little one safe, preparing healthy and nutritious meals, batch cooking, potty training, teaching about family members, colours, shapes, numbers, animals, 4 seasons, 12 months of the year, listening to music, taking him to baby ballet and mini athletics clubs, teaching personal name, date of birth, address, occasional babysitting, and many more) who I could raise for the last 2.5 years.
Reasons of leaving: Looking for a full-time position
September 2015 - 19 April 2019: Miskin family (Surbiton)
Position: Full-time sole charge nanny (5-6 days a week)
My duties:
Looking after 1 baby boy who was 5.5 months old at the beginning of my work, he is 4 years old now.
Introducing bottle feeding when Mum returned to work, preparing Mum for expressing milk, preparing formula milk, and helping Mum to give up breastfeeding.
Implementing a bedtime routine, a feeding routine, and a bath time routine.
Sleep training and implementing soothing techniques, teaching the baby how to soothe himself.
Helping with sitting, crawling, pulling up into a standing position, and finally walking all by himself.
Weaning and introducing solids, teaching the child to use a proper drinking cup, and teaching the child to feed himself with a spoon and a fork.
Hygiene: nappy change, bottle cleaning, toothbrushing, keeping nursery neat and tidy, keeping clothes clean, offering hairdresser when required, correct hand -washing after using the toilet or before meal time.
Potty training when he was 2.5 years old + rewarding with stickers on his chart.
Organising a daily routine at every stage of his developmental age, visiting clubs, playgroups, music classes, libraries, socialising with other children, playdates, picnics, and plenty of fresh air.
Cooking healthy and nutritious meals, batch cooking when needed using mainly Annabel Karmel's recipes, labelling food when needed, and even doing the shopping on a daily basis.
Paying intensive attention to health, healthy lifestyles, and safety: offering sports activities (e.g., Sport4Stars, Footies Angels Football Club, etc.), attending GP appointments and hospital appointments when required (e.g., hearing tests, BCG, compulsory vaccinations, eye tests, baby clinics, etc.), safety locks and stair gates, sunscreen, managing antibiotics and other medications when necessary, and safe walking in the street.
Offering age-related games and toys + reminding parents to change the child's clothes when he has grown out of them.
Full support during teething.
Encouraging independence: getting dressed all by himself, putting rubbish in the bin, putting his shoes on all by himself, taking off clothes and placing them in the laundry basket, taking off shoes and putting them away, hanging up a coat after taking it off, tidying up toys, and being able to play with all his toys all by himself and with others too.
Transporting the child from the cot to a big boy bed.
Encouraging table etiquette.
Teaching good manners: be able to say the 3 magic words ("thank you, please, sorry"), perfect eye contact, and communication skills.
Nursery run, drop-offs, and pick-ups for the last year, 3 mornings a week.
Teaching literacy (the child is able to read now in full sentences, he has known the alphabet since he was 18 months), numeracy (number recognition, the child is able to count from 0 up to 100 and understands higher numbers as well, like 567, etc.), 12 months of the year, 7 days of the week, 4 seasons, grouping the 12 months according to the 4 seasons, full calendar, more often used shapes, time and clock, colours, opposites, own date of birth, family members and their names, own living address with full postal code, emergency numbers (999, 112, 111).
Supervising the child in and out of the house.
Leaving: Unfortunately, the leaving time has come after nearly 4 years of constant work with the same family as my baby has grown up and starts school soon, but before it happens, he is going on a 6-month world tour with parents from 19 April 2019. I would like to find a similar long-term position and friendship in the nearest future with the following family, too.
1 May 2015-10 July 2015: Castagne family (Whitton)
Position: Full-time sole charge nanny (5 days a week)
My duties:
Looking after 3 children (4 years, 2 years, and 9 months old now)
Supervising children in and out of house, keeping them safe
Practicing writing with a 4-year-old child
Cooking healthy meals & batch cooking
Organizing daily routine
Taking children to different clubs, playgroups, and libraries
Lots of outdoor play, playgrounds, parks, and picnics
Indoor games: Lego, Play-Doh, reading stories, singing, nursery rhymes, puzzles and board games
Hygiene: nappy change, tooth-brushing, sun-cream, dressing children, mainly the baby
Intensive attention on baby, introducing solids
Keeping the children's area tidy
Hanging and folding washing
Emptying dishwasher
Writing a diary about routine
Leaving: Towards the end of my notice period, parents decided to review their childcare options because, having not had a nanny before, they are not sure it is the right option for them. Mum has lots of holiday left at work, so she is taking some time to decide what form of childcare is good for her.
April 2013-August 2014: Frize family (Norbiton)
Position: Part-time nanny (3 full days a week)
Currently I work as a part-time nanny, 3 full days a week for a fabulous British family with 2 children in Norbiton. The boys are 6 and nearly 3 years old.
My duties:
Helping the parents during the week and during school holidays
Babysitting when parents required
Visiting GP when parents required
Safeguarding children in and out of house
Nursery laundry and keep the boys` bedroom tidy
Cooking nutritious and healthy food
Organising daily routine, clubs, and trips for the children (e.g. Play Beach, Rugby Museum, Pottery Café, Squire's Gardens)
Supervising children's developmental skills to achieve their very best potential
Special events activities for autumn, Halloween, Christmas, Mother's Day, Easter and even birthdays
Sole charge care for Freddie included nappy change, taking him to different clubs (Catch-a-Balls, Kingston Town Children’s Centre, Kingston Hill Club, Musical Mice Club), dressing him, tooth brushing, feeding, improving his speech and communication skills (e.g., singing, reading books, telling nursery rhymes, counting), and manual skills (e.g., arts & crafts, painting, and Play-Doh), organising his afternoons (e.g., going to the playground, park, swimming pool, and library), and always lots of playing.
My achievements with Freddie: He can feed himself with cutleries
He can understand and speak very well in English
He can drink from a normal cup instead of baby bottles
He accepts and is very confident with other children's company
He has got a basic knowledge of numeracy
Duties with James:
School run when it was required, school pick-ups, organising after-school programs (e.g., playground, library, park, swimming pool), playing at home (e.g., Lego, office workers, watching TV, trampoline, arts & crafts, hide-and-seek, find the piggy, and shopkeepers), sole charge care during school holidays, tooth brushing, dressing him, attending swimming lessons, and tennis classes.
My achievements with James:
He is much more of a volunteer than before (e.g. getting change for swimming, washing hands before meals without warning)
He makes friends easier at the park than before and even gets rid of his shyness
He accepts his brother's company more than before and even helps me with him during holidays
Leaving: Family relocated to a new area
July-August 2013: Churchill-Dean family (Kingston-Upon-Thames)
Position: Part-time live-out nanny
My duties:
Looking after 2 gorgeous children (4 and 6 years old) 2 days a week from July to August (16 days altogether) while the mom worked on a short project, collecting them after school, taking them to after-school clubs (e.g., swimming), cooking their lunch and dinner, giving them snacks, looking after them full days during the summer (library, summer trip to Twickenham, and cinema), using the inhaler when it was needed, and always lots of playing.
Leaving: The mum stopped working on her project and could stay at home
1 February 2013-11 April 2013: Colace-Hawkes family (Twickenham)
Position: Full-time, sole-charge, live-out nanny
My duties:
Looking after an 18-month-old gorgeous girl with health problems so that this position not just meant a simple nanny position but a new challenge too because of the well-care side position—e.g., checking her temperature, giving some medicine if required, focusing on her health—e.g., protecting her from getting cold, keeping a daily diary, organising programs for the school half term, etc. I had to take her to different clubs, toddler groups, and libraries, and if the weather and her health let us go out, we visited the nearest parks and playgrounds. I had to change her nappy, feed her, and cook if it was required; wash up the dishes after meals; and do ad-hoc babysitting. We spent a fantastic 2 months reading, playing ball games and puzzles, drawing, singing, dancing, learning about the English alphabet, counting, copying animal sounds, listening to music, teaching nursery rhymes, learning about the shapes and colours, playing interactive games, and introducing the human body: head, shoulders, knees, and toes; learning about nature, e.g., fruits, flowers, vegetables, animals, and the solar system.
During 2 months I could improve her speech, manual skills, and eating habits. She became more active at tidying up, and now she can share her toys with other children more actively and easily than before.
Leaving: The child is going to the local nursery
2011 April-2012 September: Clark family (Twickenham)
Position: Au-pair (soul-charge and shared position)
In Twickenham, I served as a live-in au pair for a wonderful and compassionate British family who had four children, including two sets of twins. They are 8 and 3 years old now.
My duties:
Helping the parents during the week and during school holidays
Occasional babysitting in the evenings
Nursery laundry and upkeep, including bed changing
Housework—hoovering and cleaning throughout the house
Ironing, laundry and all aspects of housekeeping
My duties with the children include:
Waking the little ones, getting them dressed, and preparing breakfast. Getting them ready for nursery, taking them to and from nursery, and preparing a packed lunch if required. Taking them to weekly baby swimming lessons with a nanny colleague and ballet. Completing the bath time/bedtime routine, including story reading when required. And always lots of playing!
Collecting the big girls after school, taking them to the park, and after-school clubs (including Brownies and ballet). Overseeing homework (math games, spelling, reading, and writing essays), preparing their tea, and getting them ready for bed. And always lots of playing!
Leaving: To become a sole-charge nanny.
2011-2012: Ad-hoc daytime child-minding and evening babysitting for many local professional families.
2010: Spring family (Basingstoke, Hampshire)
Position: Au-pair (soul-charge position)
My duties: looking after an almost 2-year-old gorgeous girl, waking her up, getting her dressed, preparing breakfast and feeding her, taking her to toddler groups, and ballet. Taking her to the park and playground, singing, drawing, colouring, playing with Play-Doh, and teaching her nursery rhymes. I also carried out all the housework and laundry, including cooking. It was a sole-charge position.
Leaving: The grandma took over the childcare.
2008-2009: BKMO Orphanage (Hungary)
Position: Child and Youth Protector/Social Worker
My duties: looking after children between 10 and 17 years old before and after school, taking and sending them to school, supervising homework, taking them to the doctors when required, and socialising children in everyday life. Keeping a daily diary and monitoring behaviour. General cooking, washing, ironing, and bookkeeping.
My working day at the orphanage was 12 hours a day.
Leaving: Moved to the UK.
My Qualifications
British qualifications:
2017: Teaching Assistant Diploma level 3
2014: Understanding Nutrition and Healthy Eating Level 3 OCN Certificate
2014: Developing Sleep Training Skills Level 3 OCN Certificate
Valid 12 hours Paediatric First Aid and Emergency First Aid At Work Certificate
2013: Nanny Training: Developing Core Skills & Knowledge Level 3 OCN Certificate
2013: Developing Maternity Nurse Skills for Care of Multiples Level 3 OCN Certificate
2013: Post-natal Maternity Nurse Care Level 3 OCN Certificate
2013: Developing Breastfeeding Support Skills Level 3 OCN Certificate
2014: VIP Nanny Master Certificate (by Nanny Club)
2013: Certificate of Attendance 1 Day Developmental Baby Massage Course for Childcarers
2012: English language courses as a second language
Other essential documents I have:
Valid Ofsted Certificate
Valid Enhanced British CRB (updated on government website)
Valid passport
Valid Nanny Insurance
NI card
Reliable UK references from reliable British families:
Mrs Chiragni Mistry Rajagopal
Mr Jason Mahendran
Mr Andrew Miskin
My Availability
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |
Before School | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
Morning | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
Afternoon | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
After School | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
Evening | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
Overnight | no | no | no | no | no | no | no |
Last Updated: 02/03/2025 |
My Fees
- Babysitting from £15.00 per hour
- Nannying from £15.00 per hour (net)
£15.00/hours + NI + NannyPAYE + Nest pensions (approximately gross £18.00/hr)
My Documents
- UK Passport (added 22/04/2023)
- Ofsted Certificate (added 22/04/2023)
- DBS Check (added 22/04/2023)

Parents say
This nanny has received mixed reviews. Two reviewers highly praise her, citing excellent childcare skills, trustworthiness, and a strong bond with children. They commend her reliability, creativity, and passion for the job. However, one reviewer reports a negative experience, describing an abrupt departure without notice, which caused significant inconvenience and emotional distress for the family.
Summary generated by AI from the text of recent member reviews
Latest reviews
Below are the latest reviews for suzy84. Please note that reviews represent the subjective opinions of other members and not of Parents must carry out their own checks and references on childcare providers to ensure that they are completely happy before enaging in the use of their services.
I hired Suzy to work as a nanny in 2023-2024 and I would certainly recommend her work. Suzy has demonstrated tremendous responsibility in taking care of our children and in keeping the house in working order.
She is kind, trustworthy and great with children.
It is clear to me that working as a nanny is a passion for Suzy.
She loves working with the children, and I see this manifest in her communication skills and creative ideas for activities.
She keeps the children occupied and most importantly, safe.
They really enjoy their time with Suzy.
Ultimately, Suzy is an excellent nanny because she is trustworthy. She is always on-time, honest and held to high responsibility.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.
on 09/02/2025
I regret to share my disappointing experience with Suzy, who we hired to care for our almost one-year-old son. Initially, we were hopeful and had high expectations for a long-lasting arrangement, as we clearly communicated our need for a commitment of at least a year, with two days a week. Unfortunately, our expectations were shattered.
For over two months, she appeared to be reliable and bonded well with our child, although she called sick three times in this period. We invested significant time and effort into ensuring a smooth transition for our son, even as I returned to work. Despite her prior assurance of a year-long commitment, she suddenly let us down without any notice, citing changes in her living situation.
We were concerned and tried reaching out to understand the circumstances better, but our attempts to communicate were met with silence. This abrupt departure left us in a tough position, struggling to find alternative childcare amidst my return to work. I discovered that she had been actively logging into her account on a daily basis despite her claimed inability to continue working for us.
I can't help but feel deeply disappointed by this situation. Our child had developed a bond with her, becoming excited to see her each week. Her sudden departure has left us questioning her intentions and commitment from the start. As parents, we were determined to ensure our child's emotional well-being and security, and it's disheartening to think that he may have been caught in a situation where he wasn't a genuine priority.
In hindsight, I wish we had received the honesty and professionalism we expected, and that our child's emotional attachment hadn't been taken lightly. As we move forward, we're committed to finding a caregiver who shares our dedication to our child's welfare and offers the stability and reliability we sought from the beginning. This experience serves as a reminder of the importance of choosing caregivers carefully and thoroughly vetting their intentions and commitment.
on 09/08/2023
Response by
on 12/08/2023:
Dear Shohreh,
It is absolutely a ridiculous and misleading information and I do not tolerate the mud on my name.
I have never had a contract with you, so you have no right to comment such nonsenses.
I felt sick, I have reported it in time and I had to cancel my " housekeeping and babysitting " commitment with you.
I hope you will find peace in your heart and sole and find a new option in "childcare"that I would describe as a position which is more likely suitable for a housekeeper or an au-pair rather than a skilled nanny.
Thank you!
Suzy was a full time caring nanny for our son from 6 months until he was ready for school at 4 1/2. She was utterly reliable and our son grew to love her as part of the family - which she has remained. He is in year 2 at school now, and we still regularly see Suzy and she joins us at family birthdays and celebrations. She has a full reference from us, which she can show you, so I won't repeat it all here. What I will say is that hiring a nanny is a difficult thing - we know how fortunate we were to find Suzy. Suzy has helped us raise a wonderful son. She did such a good job at stretching him and nuturing him. I would have no doubt in recommending her unreservedly.
on 11/03/2022
Response by
on 12/03/2022:
Many thanks!
Suzy is currently our nanny three days a week and unfortunately we are moving house to a different part of the country so Suzy is unable to continue to be our nanny.
Suzy has been a truly wonderful nanny to us. She has many tributes, she is amazingly committed, in the 18 months Suzy has been with us she has never had a day off ill, she has never been a single second late, managing to get to our house against all odds no matter what, even if we are knee deep in snow or experiencing a hurricane.
Suzy has a natural affinity with children, my children had never had a nanny before and they soon formed a close bond with her.
Suzy is incredibly diligent, takes the children's welfare and development very seriously, and writes me a diary each day detailing what they have been up to that day. Also if the children have been poorly she is extremely attentive and has taken them to the doctor if needed.
The children definitely have a lot of fun when with Suzy, they are busy painting, cooking, arts and crafts, get plenty of fresh air, Suzy playing with them all the time. And during the school holidays Suzy researches all the activities are going on in the area that they can enjoy.
Suzy cooks for the children each day, giving them a varied and nutritious diet. The children really enjoy their food and this is due to Suzy.
Suzy enthusiastically celebrates all the annual events with the children, ie Easter, Halloween, Christmas, Mother's Day and Father's Day etc, making decorations and festive cooking etc.
Suzy is very tidy, she tidies all the toys etc up for when I get home and leaves the house very tidy, its always refreshing to come back to a house which is tidier than when you left it.
Suzy has always made herself available for any extra babysitting and has always been very obliging in taking her holidays when we as a family are taking our annual holidays.
I really cannot recommend Suzy enough to any family who are looking for a caring, trustworthy and diligent nanny, Suzy is one in a million and I am so glad she has been part of my family for the last 18 months.
on 21/06/2014
Response by
on 23/06/2014:
thank you very much for the last 16 wonderful months and you kindness!
So many Kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all!
Suzy has worked with us since the beginning of this year and in that time has looked after our 20 month old daughter.
Suzy has been particularly good at keeping our daughter happy and entertained and, when we have worked from home, it has been encouraging to hear the laughter from both of them throughout the day.
on 23/03/2013
Response by
on 25/03/2013:
Dear Delia
Thank you for writing such a lovely review to me like this!
I am also pleased I could meet you and have your gorgeous daughter for long hours a day.
I am so delighter I met you this year and you were the first boss who gave me the chance to work as a full time sole charge nanny under your employement.
From the first time you always were kind with me and you were the first who always invited me for a cup of tea or coffee when I didn`t feel well.
Thank you for all your kindness, good instructions, advices and happiness that could make my days more delighted.
You are a very reliable and great lady and I will never forget that you did for me.
Many many thanks for the few months that I could spend with all of you in your cosy family environment! I wish I could have such a nice family in the future like yours!
Highly recommended family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suzy has been babysitting for our little boy for a year now. From the moment we met her we knew she was responsible, caring & she always goes that extra mile. Suzy not only has a love for children she always makes sure their parents feel comfortable & asks questions, takes initiative & educates herself by taking numerous childcare courses in her spare time.
I know that whenever Suzy babysits my son will have a great time, follow his routine & be well looked after. She also always leaves the house clean - a bonus!
Highly recommended.
on 13/03/2013
Response by
on 13/03/2013:
Thank you, Sarah!
I love each line that you wrote! You are not just one of my bosses, you are a kind and great friend as well who always helped me when I needed you. Thank you for all your kindness and helping hands that gave me more experience in childcare and make my life easier in the rainy days and gave me power to survive them.
I am soooooo grateful for giving me the chance to look after your gorgeous son, Harry who always made me laugh when I was low-spirited. He is a perfect and smiley child. I am sooooo proud of him!
Thank you for offering me your lovely friend, Claudia, who gave me another chance to broaden my friendship and I could ensure her about my reliability. I am sooo happy with her as well, thanks to you.
I love your wonderful family and you really deserve to have a new baby. I will cross my fingers for you and wish you all the best in the future. Wherever I go or whatever I do I will always keep you in my mind and will never forget what you`ve done for me. You must know I am always available for you if I am not at work or do not know any course. I am sooo proud of you and very grateful for the last 1,5 years.
Many-many thank you!
Millions of kiss!
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