Just amazing!!!
I was on the verge of leaving my job after seeing how upset my daughter got everyday when she went to a private nursery. She cried when I dropped her and cried when I fetched her. I’m sure some days she had cried for most of the day. Then i found these wonderful ladies. And I couldn’t be any happier. Everything they do is special. The time they take for not only the babies but for us as parents it’s unreal. My daughter was a baby when she started here. They helped her grow. They helped raise her to be the confident caring little lady she is. And they got her ready for “big school”. She will this year go into year two. And yet still relates back to her time here and the wonderful memories she has. And now my other daughter has just started her step by step journey and I’m so excited for her as I know how amazing it will be. There not just childminders. There my support and sanity on a daily basis. Even with these uncertain time’s there still here for us and supporting us. You guys never change and never stop being so wonderful xxx