Amazingly creative
Wendy came to work with our nearly 5 year old on the 27th April as a result of COVID. We felt that our daughter would benefit from dedicated and highly experienced support with her online learning.
Our school has provided home schooling through the seesaw app and it has needed a lot of involvement which Wendy adopted with gusto. It’s all been done on an IPAD which shows her technological prowess and adaptability. It has involved numeracy, literacy, experiments, taking videos and photos and uploading on the app.
Our daughter has absolutely loved Wendy’s approach to the home schooling it has been done in the most creative and loving way.
We could not have asked for more, it has been a very short period of time and we have been amazed by how quickly our daughter has embraced her time with Wendy relishing the creative vigour she brings to every lesson.
Wendy has a particular flair for art and creative work which our daughter has loved. We’ve ordered stuff on amazon which we never thought possible and have a room full of artwork, models and sculptures.
Our daughter has grown in confidence and through role better able to articulate herself and present herself/getting her point across.
We highly recommend Wendy to support any family and their children and are happy available to be contacted.