Most reliant and expectations met
Well simones tots is just how i imagined, this lady has for the duration of over 5 years been in my life and that of my childrens. I have been using her service for a number of years and never have i experienced any faults in how she runs her business or looked after my 2 children. Im going back to when my children first started when she was operating in tulse hill till her progressive move to streatham. I had never experienced any lack of communication in terms of her refund policy which is quite simple really and recieved mine at the time straightaway. I work full time whereas my children will be under her care for the most part. They bring home work that show how they are learning and achievements being made. I am always kept up to speed on any progress or issues considerably quick. Our children are very important and to have had a childminder that is there every step of the way has satisfied myself n that of my partner. Our children love being around simone and the rest of the children she has registered. My children are never bored but are more likely to want to stay and play/learn after the booked hours. If the children are happy then so should we. Simones policys are highly justified and a very demanding organisation so yes we do need to be sure as parents we are punctual and understanding of this. Simones tots provides a safe & fun environment for children with the big garden and conservatory she has. Kids will love being there in summer!. Simone conducts herself with much respect and has never stepped out of her normal tone when dealing with the children or myself. Id like to thank her again and very happy in continuing to use her applaudable service. *FOR ALL WORKING PARENTS* this is the place i assure you!!!! P.s she is not far from streatham common station so please check your own travel requirements before applying. Thank you.