Helen D's Reviews


Below are the parent reviews for Helen D. Back to Helen D's profile

Average Rating: 5 stars (5 from 2 reviews)

Helen looked after our son on a part-time basis between the ages of one and two and a half. We were really sad to have to change childminders as we were completely happy with the service Helen provided and because of the close relationship that she had developed with our son. Helen was always professional with her dealings with us, but at the same time both flexible and approachable.

The range of activities that Helen provided was a strength, from making and doing, to cooking, growing plants and outdoor adventures. I felt like Helen worked in partnership with us in regards to helping our son achieve developmental and educational targets: there was always dialogue regarding what we were doing at home and how she could facilitate those goals.

Helen's home and family are both welcoming and caring and we always had every confident in leaving our son in her care.

  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Helen D Helen D on 04/01/2012

The contents of this review are no longer available as the reviewer's account has been deleted.

  • 5 stars Overall

by Avatar for Parent Parent about Avatar for Helen D Helen D on 06/06/2011

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