Churchdown Parton Manor Infant School

Craven Drive, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2AG

Churchdown Parton Manor Infant School is a community school school in Gloucester. According to the latest government data, it has approximately 139 pupils and allows entry for children aged 5-7.

About Us

Churchdown Parton Manor Infant school has approximately 150 pupils in 6 classes. We share a site with the junior school in Craven Drive. CPMIS is a rapidly improving school which is going from strength to strength and we welcome visits to the school to see us in action.

Our Childcare Provision

We provide breakfast club from 7.45 - 8.45 every day and after school from 3.05 - 6.00.
We also now run the pre-school based in the Children's Centre on site and offer places for children from the age of two.

Pick ups and Drop offs

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Childminder in Gloucester

Hello my name is Katy I'm 42yrs old and live with my partner Barry and son Noah who is 12 yrs old. I am located right by Parton Manor School Churchdown and have a large open plan…


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